

2014-06-18    03'33''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

811 62

巴西世界杯开赛不到一周,就传来了球迷因看球猝死的悲剧消息.英国每日邮报的一篇报道说,一位中国球迷因为连续三晚熬夜观看世界杯比赛,在家中突发中风猝死.不得不提醒球迷们:"球赛诚可贵,生命价更高." Daily Mail: A football fan in China has died of a stroke that doctors believe was brought on by him staying awake for three successive nights to watch the World Cup. Zhou Meng, a 39-year-old from Shanghai, collapsed on his sofa after suffering a stroke while watching the Saturday night match between Uruguay and Costa Rica.