

2014-07-10    03'14''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

8651 91

华尔街日报: 美国全国地产经纪商协会今日发布的报告显示,去年外资购置美国住宅地产的交易激增了35%,而引领者波购房潮的正式中国买家.来自中国大陆,香港和台湾的买家购买了约四分之一美国面向海外投资者出售的房产. The Wall Street Journal: Chinese buy up US properties. According to a report by the US-based National Association of Realtors., foreign purchases of US residential real estate jumped 35% last year, with Chinese buyers leading the way. 报告称,去年4月至今年3月期间,中国买家在美投资购置房产总额达220亿美元,其中76%是以现金购买的. Buyers from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan purchased about a quarter of the US properties sold to international buyers.