

2014-07-14    02'56''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

1354 65

赫芬顿邮报:科学家预言,未来不久,人们将能够通过吞药丸来获取知识,一颗药丸下肚,可能就学会了一门外语.有这么简单的方法,那中国的同学们再不用担心英语学习了. Huffington Post: Will we soon learn languages by taking a PILL? Scientist predicts humans will ingest information within 30 years. Slaving over textbooks and spending hours in a classroom conjugating verbs could be a thing of the past if one scientist's predictions come true. Nicholas Negroponte of MIT predicted the demise of the computer mouse back in the 1980s and now thinks that it could be just 30 years until we can 'ingest' languages.