

2014-08-15    01'36''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

9081 247

这首歌可能很多人都知道,名字叫做“洋葱”。 有一句话说:“生活就像洋葱,一片一片剥下来,总有一片会让你流泪”。说的是生活中难免会有一些艰辛和无奈会让你落泪,一帆风顺的生活是不存在的。我们今天介绍的这一类人Womanizer-大概也是洋葱式生活的一部分吧。 Womanizer is a guy who gets every girl to like him. A gutless and senseless man who treats every girl like they’re the girl for him, then lets them down by having MANY other girls on the side. Womanizer就是指到处讨好女孩子,让她们以为自己就是他生命中那个重要的她;可结果,他却是个没心没肺、没有真情实感,身边有很多个女朋友的“洋葱男”。 A womanizer is compared to an onion because he generally uses layer after layer of sweet words and other deceiving tactics to seduce a woman. But in the end, the romance comes to nothing, leaving the woman in tears when she finds out the truth. 之所以称他们为“洋葱男”,是因为他们通常用一层又一层的甜言蜜语和各种花招吸引女性。可最终结果往往是,女性竹篮打水一场空,唯有泪千行。