[美文]A Morning Wish

[美文]A Morning Wish

2014-10-21    01'32''

主播: 四月一日Vic

5079 601

A Morning Wish The sun has just risen in the morning of another day. What can I wish this day may bring me? Nothing that shall make the world or others poorer, nothing at the expense of other men, but just those few things which in their coming do not stop me but touch me rather, as they pass and gather strength. I wish that this day could bring me a few friends, who understand me, and yet remain my friends; I also wish that this day could bring me a job to do which has real value. I wish that this day could bring me a mind unafraid to travel, and I wish that this day could bring me an understanding heart. I wish that this day could bring me a sight of the eternal hills, and the blue sea stretching to the horizon, and of something beautiful which the hands of men have made. I wish that this day could bring me a sense of humor, and the power to laugh, a little leisure with nothing to do. And I desire for a few moments of quiet, silent meditation* in the morning of this day. I also wish that this day could bring me the patience to wait for the coming of these things, with the wisdom to know them when they come, and the wit not to change this morning wish of mine. 清晨许愿 太阳刚刚升起,又是一个新的早晨。我希望新的一天带给我些什么呢?我希望世界上所有人都更加富有,希望我们获得的一切都不会损害他人的利益,我希望有些东西到来时不会阻碍我前进,希望它们从我身边经过时只会带给我感动,能让我从中汲取力量。 我希望在新的一天里能结交一些灵犀相通的新朋友,同时也继续拥有老朋友;我还希望自己在新的一天里能做一份真正有意义的工作。 我希望自己在新的一天里能勇敢地去旅行,我希望自己在新的一天里能更具同情心。 我希望在新的一天能见到连绵的群山和一望无际的碧蓝大海,能见到人类用双手创造的美好事物。 我希望自己在新的一天更具幽默感,希望自己能开心地笑,希望能有一点闲暇,什么都不用做。 就在这个清晨,我渴望得到片刻的宁静,能静静地冥思。 我也希望自己能耐心地等待这一切心愿的实现,当这一切成真时,我希望自己能敏锐地感受到,我也希望自己足够明智,不至于改变今天清晨许下的心愿