apple, bat, cat, dog, egg, fish, goat, hat, igloo,jet, king, lamp, map, nine, orange, pen, queen,
rat, sun, tree, umbrella, van, window, x-ray, yo-yo, zebra
Sentence 句子部分
1. What's your name?
My name is Fiona.
2.Are these your books?
Yes, they are.
Are these your pencil-cases?
No, they aren’t.
3.Do you have a book?
Yes, I do.
Do you have a rubber?
No, I don’t.
解析:Do you have...? 你有...吗?
4.Where is he?
He is in the library.
解析:Where...? XX在哪里? where表示询问位置。
5.What classes do you have on Wednesday?
I have math, art, English and PE.
6.Do you like science? Why?
Yes, I do. It’s interesting.
Do you like art? Why?
No, I don’t. It’s boring.
解析:why 表示为什么。
7.Where are you going?
I’m going to the party.
解析:I'm going to ...我将要去XX地方,或表示我即将要做XX。