小叶读新闻 - 我们为你,举起魔杖

小叶读新闻 - 我们为你,举起魔杖

2016-01-15    07'54''

主播: 粗只的大叶

186 13

Actor Alan Rickman, Snape in 'Harry Potter' films, dies at 69 broodingadj. 沉思的;徘徊不去的 debut n. 初次登台–CET6 villain n.恶棍,反面角色 - GRE ​Alan Rickman, the British actor whoplayed the brooding Professor Severus Snape in the "Harry Potter"films years after his film debut as the "Die Hard" villain HansGruber, has died after a short battle with cancer, a source familiar with hiscareer said Thursday. ​He was 69. ​A smooth-voiced London native, Rickmanworked on stage with the Royal Shakespeare Company and in UK televisionprojects before earning his first film role: the German terrorist Gruber,opposite Bruce Willis' John McClane, in 1988's "Die Hard." ​ ​I'm verysad to hear about Alan today," "Harry Potter" star Emma Watsontweeted. " I feel so lucky to have worked with such a special man andactor. I'll really miss our conversations."