小叶读新闻 - 冬天那么冷挺好,起码没蚊子骚扰

小叶读新闻 - 冬天那么冷挺好,起码没蚊子骚扰

2016-01-25    10'22''

主播: 粗只的大叶

108 9

Zika virus:First cases reported in UK virus /ˈvaɪrəs/ n.病毒 –CET4 infect /ɪnˈfɛkt/ v. 感染,传染 –CET4 diagnose /,daɪəɡ'nos/ v. 诊断;断定 –CET4 mosquito /məˈskiːtəʊ/ n. 蚊子 –CET4 symptom /ˈsɪmptəm/ n. 症状 - CET4 repellant /rɪˈpɛlənt/ adj. 排斥的 n.排斥力(驱虫剂) ​Three British travelers have been infected with the Zika virus, health officials revealed this week. ​"As of January 2016, three cases associated with travel to Colombia, Suriname and Guyana have been diagnosed in UK travelers," Public Health England said on its website. ​The government agency did not provide further details about the cases but added that the virus "does not occur naturally in the UK." ​Zika virus is a mosquito borne disease. An individual becomes infected by the bite of an infected mosquito. Symptoms of the virus include fever, rash, joint pain and red eyes and can last from a few days to about a week. But 80% of individuals infected have no symptoms. ​There is no prevention or treatment. Travelers to dangerous areas are urged to prevent mosquito bites by using mosquito repellant and covering exposed skin. 同时小叶老师三个微信班正在招生中: 美腔训练营(American Accent Training) 迷人美式聊天(Compelling American Conversations) 四级长期班(Siji Changqi Ban Hahaha) 详情可添加小叶老师微信:yexicong,进行咨询。