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小叶读新闻 - 这是一条你忍不住看,看过又不希望自己看过的新

2016-02-01    09'23''

主播: 粗只的大叶

194 9

Switzerland government plans to give all adults £425 a week to end poverty radical/ 'rædɪkl / adj. 激进的CET4 referendum/ ,rɛfə'rɛndəm / n. 公民投票权CET6 abolish/ ə'bɑlɪʃ / v. 废除CET4 The Switzerland government plans to pay every single adult a guaranteed £425 a week – whether they work or not . The radical plan will be voted on in a countrywide referendum later this year. If the Swiss vote yes it would make the country the first in the world to pay all of its citizens an unconditional income, with politicians hoping it could help abolish poverty . Under the scheme each child would also receive £100 a week. The government estimates the cost of the proposal at £143 billion a year. 有单词不认识,还有句子读不懂?点击“阅读原文”快来听小叶老师的讲解吧~ 同时小叶老师两个微信班正在招生中: 美腔训练营 四级长期班 当然我的两个长期微信班(零基础英语班,基础口语提高班),还在持续教学中,详情可添加小叶老师微信:yexicong,进行咨询。