小叶读诗 - 7 - under pressure

小叶读诗 - 7 - under pressure

2016-04-12    01'22''

主播: 粗只的大叶

40 4

Under Pressure By:Tomas Transtromer Translated by: Robin Fulton The blue sky&`&s engine-drone is deafening. We&`&re living here on a shuddering work-site where the ocean depths can suddenly open up - shells and telephones hiss. You can see beauty only from the side, hastily, The dense grain on the field, many colours in a yellow stream. The restless shadows in my head are drawn there. They want to creep into the grain and turn to gold. Darkness falls. At midnight I go to bed. The smaller boat puts out from the larger boat. You are alone on the water. Society&`&s dark hull drifts further and further away. Vocabulary: deafen /ˈdɛfən/ v.变聋 CET6 shell /ʃɛl/ n.海螺 CET4 hiss /hɪs/ v.嗡嗡作响 CET6 hastily /ˈhestɪlɪ/ ad.匆忙地 dense /dɛns/ a.密集的,浓密的 CET4 restless /ˈrɛstlɪs/ a.焦急的,不耐烦的 creep /krip/ v&n.爬行 CET6 hull /hʌl/ n.船壳 CET6 托马斯·特兰斯特勒默 Tomas Transtromer(1931-2015),瑞典著名诗人,被誉为“20世纪最后一位诗歌巨匠”,并且在2011年获得诺贝尔文学奖。在这首《Under Pressure》里,他使用了大量的意象,使人读完这首诗后,就感觉自己好像真的被抛下船,远远看着船渐渐远去,表达了一种与社会格格不入的遗弃感。这也恰恰体现了他善于从日常生活入手,把激烈的情感寄于平静的文字里的创作风格。