小叶读新闻 - 诗人著作见天日,不谈风雅教你吃

小叶读新闻 - 诗人著作见天日,不谈风雅教你吃

2016-05-03    15'22''

主播: 粗只的大叶

102 5

Poet Walt Whitman health tips unearthed trove / trov / n. 被发现的东西;收藏的东西 obscurity/ əb&`&skjʊrəti / n. 朦胧;阴暗 TEM8 pseudonym / &`&sudənɪm / n. 笔名;假名 multitude / ˈmʌltɪˌtud / n. 群众;多数TEM8 exhortation / ,ɛgzɔr&`&teʃən / n. 讲道词,训词;劝告 A trove of journalism by the great US poet Walt Whitman is being published online after lying in obscurity more than 150 years. The 13-part series, Manly Health and Training, was written under a pseudonym for a New York newspaper in 1858. It contains a multitude of tips on topics such as diet, sex, and hygiene. The 47,000-word series, which survived only in a few libraries, was discovered in a digitised newspaper database by a graduate student last year. It is now being published by the online journal The Walt Whitman Quarterly Review. US commentators point out that some of Whitman&`&s health advice sounds surprisingly modern. "Let the main part of the diet be meat, to the exclusion of all else," one entry reads - an exhortation that both The New York Times and Time Magazine say would be endorsed by today&`&s paleo-diet advocates. 想要下载这本书的话,直接戳链接:http://ir.uiowa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2206&context=wwqr 还不给我这个好心的搬运工转发点赞?