听新闻,学英语 - 老爷子宣扬无神论,车牌大写“我是神”!

听新闻,学英语 - 老爷子宣扬无神论,车牌大写“我是神”!

2016-11-24    16'47''

主播: 粗只的大叶

114 3

US atheist sues after Kentucky refuses ‘IM GOD’ licence plate An American atheist is suing officials in the US state of Kentucky after he was refused a personalised car license plate which reads "IM GOD”. atheist /‘eɪθɪɪst/ n. 无神论者 personalised /'pə:sənəlaizd/ a. 个性化的 Bennie Hart says the point of the plate is to show the impossibility of disproving anyone's claim to being God. But transport chiefs in the religiously conservative state ruled that it might distract other drivers and would be in bad taste. disprove /dɪs’pruːv/ v. 反驳,证明...是虚假的 religiously /rɪˈlɪd ʒəslɪ/ adv. 宗教上的,虔诚地 conservative /kənˈsə:vətiv/ a. 保守的 distract /dɪ’strækt/ v. 使分心 Civil liberties campaigners have taken up Mr Hart's legal case. He says he had the same license plate when he lived in the state of Ohio for 12 years without any problems. "I simply want the same opportunity to select a personal message for my license plate just as any other driver. There is nothing obscene or vulgar about my view that religious beliefs are subject to individual interpretation.” vulgar /‘vʌlgə/ a. 粗俗的 interpretation /ɪntɜːprɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 解读
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  • 2016-11-28
  • 2016-11-27