情·书 第1期的回答

情·书 第1期的回答

2017-02-20    11'31''

主播: 粗只的大叶

22 1

今天分享的是第一期提问的回答,来自于Meredith本人,我只是附上原文后,对其中内容进行讲解,帮助大家在这个语境当中学习英语,如果你之前没有看到过这个问题,建议先划到推送最下方,点击阅读原文,直接连接到上一次的提问推送。 I’m impressed. We get so many letters from people who deal with crushes for months – sometimes years – without taking steps to get answers. But you plan to figure this out sooner than later. You got him a birthday coffee, and you&`&re ready for your next move. (Really, this kind of plotline could take an entire season on "Grey&`&s Anatomy.") Based on the progression of things, I don&`&t see any harm in asking him to lunch. Just know that if he says he&`&s busy, you&`&ll have to let it drop. After that, if he wants a raincheck, he&`&ll know how to find you. If he accepts your invitation, assume that the lunch is platonic, at least for now. You can&`&t make decisions about "possibility" until there&`&s a real friendship. You might need more than one lunch to get the information you need. – Meredith Readers? Lunch? Birthday coffee? 对于这样的回答,你是否满意呢?如果你来给单恋中的人提建议,你会出什么主意呢?欢迎给我留言,一起分享我们的经历吧~