

2017-03-01    09'21''

主播: 粗只的大叶

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这是我今年推出的新的分享方式-情·书。这个板块的文章来自the Boston Globe的专栏记者Meredith Goldstein运营的网站loveletters.boston.com。网站上的文章都是读者给Meredith发来的信件,询问一些我们平时都可能遇到的情感问题,网友会在上面评论留言,Meredith也会给出自己的建议,给许多困惑中的读者带来帮助。 而在我看来,这些文章都是相当棒的英语阅读材料,文字浅显易懂又贴近生活,也会有许多地道的用语表达,同时也提供了很好的讨论的素材。我会将文字贴出,朗读,并且稍作解释,大家看完之后,也欢迎给我留言。如果大家喜欢,我会建立微信群,大家可以在群里朗读其中的段落,互相学习,也可以分享自己的见解,一起学习,共同进步,如果时机成熟,我会在温州进行不定期的英语角,一起线下活动。 在这里,特别感谢Meredith Goldstein同意我使用她的资源,我也推荐有能力的同学可以自己直接浏览该网站https://loveletters.boston.com/?p1=ll_home。附上Meredith的美照一张~ 今天的分享的来信题目是:He didn&`&t finish his degree (https://loveletters.boston.com/2017/02/didnt-finish-degree.html ),作者的回复会在周四发出,今天先看读者的来信~录音条是朗读和内容解析哦~ Dear Meredith, I met a guy at a recent event and we hit it off really well from the start. We found out that we had very similar musical tastes, views on the world, and hobbies, and that we are both very family-oriented. I find myself to be very attracted to him and always enjoy our time together. However, as we are both in our late 20s – and I, for one, take dating a little more seriously now – I am a little turned off by the fact that he never finished his college degree. Don&`&t get me wrong, he works hard and has a great job right now. But, as someone who really values education, I&`&m having a hard time accepting the fact that he has no intentions of finishing school. Am I being too unrealistic? – Master&`&s Degree 同时,我也期待我的粉丝们的留言,发表自己的见解,英语或者中文,都可以,欢饮扫码加入微信群,讨论、学习~点击原文,能看到上一期的内容哦~