

2017-03-06    14'19''

主播: 粗只的大叶

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情生惑,惑成书 版块介绍 这个板块的文章来自the Boston Globe的专栏记者Meredith Goldstein运营的网站loveletters.boston.com。网站上的文章都是读者给Meredith发来的信件,询问一些我们平时都可能遇到的情感问题,网友会在上面评论留言,Meredith也会给出自己的建议,给许多困惑中的读者带来帮助。 在我看来,这些文章都是相当棒的英语阅读材料,文字浅显易懂又贴近生活,也会有许多地道的用语表达,同时也提供了很好的讨论的素材。我会将文字贴出,朗读,并且稍作解释,大家看完之后,也欢迎给我留言。 本期问题: He didn&`&t finish his college degree 如果你是第一次看到我的推送,可以点击: 情·书 - 第3期 他,没有拿到大学的学位... 你可以点击推送左下角“阅读原文”,可以看到上一期的问题。 中间六边形分割线 ​ I don&`&t understand why the degree is so important. You say it&`&s because you value education, but what does that mean? Is it that you want to be able to say you&`&re dating a college grad? Or do you fear that his professional life will be limited because he didn&`&t finish? Your letter suggests that my first guess is right, which is why I must tell you that school isn&`&t everything. Maybe you should be turned on by the fact that this man found the real-world experiences he needed to get the right job. You should also know that education is not limited to school. Often, the best part of a resume is the stuff under "experience." I can&`&t tell you whether this is a deal-breaker for you, but I will suggest that it shouldn&`&t be. The great things you mention in your first sentences seem to be more important than anything else. You&`&re both where you want to be. Isn&`&t that what matters most? – Meredith Readers? Will this be a problem later? Is it that she fears that he doesn&`&t value her education? 中间六边形分割线 致敬作者 中间六边形分割线 原文地址: https://loveletters.boston.com/2017/02/didnt-finish-degree.html 这个问题,你怎么看 敬请留言 看完读者的问题和Meredith回答,不知道您是否愿意分享自己的想法。你会怎么解决困境,又会有怎样的建议呢?希望您可以直接在留言板留言,也可以扫描二维码加入我的小小的粉丝群,用语音和其他粉丝一起交流,英语或者中文都可以。表达也是一种练习哦~ 点击【阅读原文】 查阅上期推送