听新闻,学英语 - 经典动画真人重现,美女野兽全球圈钱

听新闻,学英语 - 经典动画真人重现,美女野兽全球圈钱

2017-03-22    08'38''

主播: 粗只的大叶

181 3

Beauty and the Beast breaks box office records Beauty and the Beast has enchanted film fans on its opening weekend - taking $350m around the world. The film took $170m at North American box offices alone and broke a load of records in the process. It had the biggest ever opening weekend for a PG-rated film, and notched up the seventh best opening overall. enchant /ɪn’tʃɑːnt/ v. 施魔法,使迷惑 -六级 notch /nɒtʃ/ v.赢得,留下凹痕 n. 等级档次 -雅思 The film easily outsold the rest of the top 10 combined - Kong: Skull Island was its closest competitor, taking $28.9m on its second weekend. Beauty and the Beast marks Disney's best opening for a live action remake yet - beating The Jungle Book, Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland. outsell /aʊt'sel/ v. 卖的比...多 combine /kəm'baɪn/ v.联合,组合 -四级 competitor /kəm’petɪtə/ n.竞争者 -六级 In the UK, the film earned £18.4m - the fifth biggest opening weekend ever. 文字太难看不懂?点击推送左下角“阅读原文”,可收听下载叶老师的新闻讲解哦~当然,也欢迎你的新闻评论~ ·END· 大叶老师新浪微博: 粗只的大叶