Xiongan district becomes hot property in China
A sleepy district in Hebei province has suddenly become the centre of China&`&s latest property craze and the talk of the country.
Over the weekend, investors flocked to Xiongan in droves, while online it has been the subject of social media buzz.
property /&`&prɒpətɪ/ n. 财产,所有权 -四级
drove /drəʊv/ n. 移动的人群获大批的东西
It all began on Saturday when the Chinese government announced the location of a special economic zone (SEZ) which would effectively serve as an extension of Beijing.
The capital has been grappling with overcrowding, heavy pollution and congestion caused by a booming population, and officials are trying to relocate industries and encourage people to live further afield.
grapple &`&græp(ə)l/ v. 与...格斗
congestion /kən&`&dʒestʃən/ n. 拥堵 -雅思
afield /ə&`&fiːld/ adv. 在远处
Called Xiongan New Area, the 100 sq km zone is expected to eventually expand to 2,000 sq km - nearly three times the size of New York - and is a key component of a massive "mega-region" developing around Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.