这个板块的文章来自the Boston Globe的专栏记者Meredith Goldstein运营的网站loveletters.boston.com。网站上的文章都是读者给Meredith发来的信件,询问一些我们平时都可能遇到的情感问题,网友会在上面评论留言,Meredith也会给出自己的建议,给许多困惑中的读者带来帮助。我作为一名搬运工,会给信件进行朗读和中文的解读,给大家带来英语学习的帮助~
本期问题:Kissed the married man at work...
情·书 第9期 我,吻了一个已婚的同事...
If you were capable of going back to work and ignoring your romantic feelings for this man, you should also be able to compartmentalize your anger. Try to get through the day and focus on your tasks like a professional. If you feel like you need to scream, go to the bathroom or take a walk. Really, this can't be the first time you've had to play nice with someone you don't want to be around.
You should also force yourself to think about why you're so angry. You weren't that upset when this man was willing to betray his marriage to pursue a crush on you. You were flattered and maybe a little bit excited. The anger came into play when you felt left out and rejected. You're upset because you thought you had a meaningful night with this guy, but meanwhile, he was multi-tasking.
Try to let go of the jealousy and rejection and focus on the fact that he was never available to you anyway. Go to work. Be civil. Keep the number blocked.
– Meredith
Readers? How should she behave at work?