情·书 第10期 她的职业目标令人失望

情·书 第10期 她的职业目标令人失望

2019-05-20    18'34''

主播: 粗只的大叶

539 6

这个板块的文章来自the Boston Globe的专栏记者Meredith Goldstein运营的网站loveletters.boston.com。网站上的文章都是读者给Meredith发来的信件,询问一些我们平时都可能遇到的情感问题,网友会在上面评论留言,Meredith也会给出自己的建议,给许多困惑中的读者带来帮助。之前我冒昧得与Meredith通信,有幸获得了她的授权,让我作为一名搬运工,把内容分享给我的粉丝们。我会对信件进行朗读和中文的讲解,给大家带来英语学习的帮助~ 本期问题: Her Career Goals Are Disappointing... Hello Meredith, I've been dating my girlfriend for about a year and a half, and for the most part, things have gone great. We have so many inside jokes and genuinely enjoy every moment in each other's company. What I'm (only somewhat) concerned about are the differences in our life goals. The woman I met in 2017 (when I was 25, she was 24 at the time) was mostly committed to finding a career that would allow her to truly help others. Like so many people in our generation, she has to stay at a job that pays decently well to pay off her student loans, rather than a job that’s more in line with her social justice orientation. It saddens me that the passion and fire she had for making this cruel world a little better is seemingly gone, and her ambitions of having a career that might actually help people has almost been crushed by the cruel reality of student debt and being stuck in a monotonous, meaningless job. I'm still on a career path where I very directly and positively impact the lives of young people, though. I'm going to get a ton of flak for this, I’m sure, from some people, but looking long-term into something like marriage, I really want the girl who had that passion and desire to find a career with meaning, rather than be content with a job that pays that bills but leaves her feeling like what she's doing doesn't matter. We're both 26 and nothing is set in stone, but her goal these days is to essentially be a secretary for her friend in a medical office. This was a girl who had all these ideas for possible career paths that would let her fight the corrupt institutions in our society. I'm going to be educating students on how to become better global citizens, with strong critical thinking skills and empathy (traits that education has failed to instill in most people), and she wanted to do something along these lines, too. So my question is: How do I bring up my feelings about where her career goals are now, where she imagined they'd be, and if she's truly content with her rather unambitious career goal? – Goals 致敬作者 原文地址: https://loveletters.boston.com/2019/05/career-goals-disappointing.html