这个板块的文章来自the Boston Globe的专栏记者Meredith Goldstein运营的网站loveletters.boston.com。网站上的文章都是读者给Meredith发来的信件,询问一些我们平时都可能遇到的情感问题,网友会在上面评论留言,Meredith也会给出自己的建议,给许多困惑中的读者带来帮助。之前我冒昧得与Meredith通信,有幸获得了她的授权,让我作为一名搬运工,把内容分享给我的粉丝们,希望能给大家带来英语学习上的帮助~。
本期问题:I kissed the married man at work...
情·书 第10期 她的职业目标,令人失望...
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You&`&re expecting criticism from the comments section today ... and you&`&ll probably get a lot of it. Your letter suggests that you want your girlfriend to be a perfect, evolved partner right now. You want her to be a finished product at 26. That&`&s a big ask – especially when you know the exact reason she&`&s on a specific path: "Like so many people in our generation, she has to stay at a job that pays decently well to pay off her student loans, rather than a job that&`&s more in line with her social justice orientation."
Your girlfriend might want some stability and money right now, but that doesn&`&t mean she won&`&t seek change or take some risks with her career. She might decide she wants a day job that allows her to volunteer. There are so many ways to be a person who cares about the world. Give her time to get there. Also know that your own path might change. The point is to experience this growth together.
If you have reason to believe that your girlfriend is unhappy, you can talk about that. Just remember that the conversation will be about her, not you. Also know that she might be getting a lot out of this job. All work is an education. Do not belittle what she does or assume it isn&`&t important.
You say you&`&re teaching kids how to develop empathy. You could use some more of that right now. Consider what you need from her and why, and remember that she&`&s a lot more than a résumé.
– Meredith
Readers? Thoughts on the girlfriend&`&s career path?