travelEar | Popular English songs

travelEar | Popular English songs

2017-10-29    15'35''

主播: 南京大学广播台

42 3

latest movies Pleasant songs Educational books Legendary stories Exotic food Colorful customs Everything you want to know about,we have it all. This is a special journey for your ears. The night is still young so why don’t you put your headphones on and join us. TravelEar, let's get started. 播音 阿米拉 施沐凡 伊力夏提 编辑 伊力夏提 宣传 肖玥瑶 陈雨璐 监制 伍文玉 塔依尔江 小栏目负责人 阿米拉 大栏目负责人 邱鸿屹 欢迎大家投稿☞