

2017-08-01    03'41''

主播: 非文斐

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朗读者|蒜头 朗读者电台| 作者是德裔美国诗人、小说家、短篇故事作家查尔斯·布可夫斯基(Charles Bukowski),这段念白出自1982年的加拿大纪录片《诗歌行动(Poetry in Motion)》,查尔斯·布可夫斯基在影片开始部分关于诗歌以及诗人的评论。 事物的内涵比它所呈现的更加伟大 Reading the poets has been the dullest of things.解读诗人是世界上最枯燥乏味的事情, Even reading the great novelists of the past, I said, "Tolstoy is supposed to be special?"当我解读历史上伟大的小说巨匠时,我在想:“托尔斯泰应该是独树一帜的?”, I go to bed, I read War and Peace.我钻进被窝,开始读《战争与和平》, I read it, I read it, I say, "Where is the specialist in War and Peace?",我读啊读,一遍又一遍,我想:“研究《战争与和平》的专家学者在哪里?”, I really tried to understand.我尽了最大的努力去理解这部巨著, I mean, and then many of the great poets of the past, I've read their stuff.我是说,之后历史上许多著名的诗人,我遍览他们的作品, I've read it. All I get is a goddamn headache and boredom.我读完一遍,所收获的却只有该死的头疼和乏味, I really feel sickness in the pit of my stomach,我的胃中止不住阵阵翻滚, I say, "There's some trick going on here, this is not true, this is not real, it's not good.",我说:“这些人一定搞了什么鬼把戏,这并不现实,也不正确。”, You see poetry itself contains as much energy as a Hollywood industry.你知道,诗歌本身包含了足以与好莱坞产业相匹敌的活力, As much energy as a stage play on Broadway.足以与百老汇音乐剧相匹敌的活力, All it needs is practitioners who are alive to bring it alive.而它所需的仅仅是尚且在世的实践者将它的生命力充分地展现出来,Poetry has always been said to be a private, hidden art.诗歌艺术一直被描述为一种私人的、隐秘的艺术, Not appreciated.一种不被赏识的艺术, The reason it's not appreciated is because it hasn't shown any guts, hasn't shown any dance, hasn't shown any moxie.我说它不受赏识的原因是,它并没有展现出任何本质,任何律动,任何锐气, Poetry is generally very dull, very pretensive.诗歌通常都很枯燥,很矫饰 ,Uh, those who say the poet is very private and precious person, I don't agree with.啊......有人说诗人是一类私人而又宝贵的群体,我不赞成 ,Generally, he is just a dumb, fiddling asshole writing insecure lines that don't come through,一般地,他只是个沉默寡言微不足道的蠢货,写着游移不定狗屁不通的句子 ,Believing he's immortal, waiting for his immortality which never arrives.做着流芳百世的白日梦,盼着镜花水月般的永垂不朽,Because the poor fucker just can't write.但这个可怜的笨蛋恰恰不会书写, Most poets, coets, whoets, carrots, can't even write a simple line.很多诗人,甚至写不出一个简单的句子, Like, "The dog walked down the street.",比如“一只狗沿着街道溜达”, Nothing should ever be done that should be done.有些自认为应该完成的东西其实是不必去做的 ,It has to come out like a good hot beer shit.它不得不展现在世人面前,就像一坨刚出炉的浇着啤酒的粪便, A good hot beer shit is glorious man.热气腾腾的啤酒味儿粪便多光荣啊,各位, You get up, turn around, look at it and your proud.你站起来,转过身,看着它,得意洋洋, The fumes, the stink of the turd, you look, you say, "God, I did it. I'm good.",热气与恶臭交织的粪便,你满怀爱意地看着它,并发表获奖感言:“上帝啊我做到了,我真棒。”