英语早餐-English humor vs American humor

英语早餐-English humor vs American humor

2018-05-07    01'53''

主播: Gloria果老师

1485 17

English Humour vs. American Humor – IsThere a Difference? Humour is a phenomenon which is influencedby culture. It can be difficult to determine what aspects define a certainsense of humour. A nation&`&s wit is linked to the historical development of thecountry. Therefore, humour is something which is not always transferrable inanother country. What about when both countries speak thesame mother tongue? Does that mean that they will then share the same sense ofhumour, or can differences still occur? Let&`&s take the example of Britain andAmerica. Time and time again, people say that Brits and Americans don&`&t &`&get&`&each other&`&s sense of humour. To what extent is this true, if at all? Recent research suggests that humourregarded as typically British – sarcasm and self-deprecation – is linked togenes found in British men and women, but not shared, for instance, byAmericans. While telling jokes and looking on thebright side of life – which researchers dubbed positive humour – is common toboth sides of the Atlantic, only in the UK did they discover genetic links withnegative humour – biting sarcasm and caustic satire. Experts admit that theresults have left them baffled. So it&`&s official. The British really dohave a unique sense of humour, quite different to American humour.