PK Level2 Lesson 05

PK Level2 Lesson 05

2022-05-13    01'01''

主播: Ellen云

66 0

Let's Play Hide - and - seek!我们玩捉迷藏吧! Pick one person to be the Seeker.选一个人做寻找者。 The Seeker closes his eyes and the others hide. 寻找者闭上眼睛,其他人躲起来。 The Seeker counts to 10. 寻找者数到10。 The Seeker says "Ready or not, here I come! 寻找者说:“准备好了吗?我来了!”然后去找其他人。 Now, take turns with your friends! 现在,和你的朋友们轮流玩吧!