

2017-09-06    03'50''

主播: 晨韵荷声

719 6

《一见钟情》 作者:辛波斯卡 译者:苏缨 配乐:小提琴曲 Arthur Grumiaux 『Franz SchubertAve Mariaop.52 Nr.6』 有一种爱叫做一见钟情 突如其来,清醒而笃定 另有一种迟缓的爱,或许更美: 暗暗的渴慕,淡淡的纠葛,若即若离,朦胧不明。 既然素不相识,他们便各自认定 自己的轨道从未经过对方的小站; 而街角、走廊和楼梯早已见惯 他们擦肩而过的一百万个瞬间。 我很想提醒他们回忆 在经过某个旋转门的片刻,他们曾经脸对着脸,仅隔着一面玻璃, 还有某个拨错的电话,人群中的某一声“抱歉”...... 只是,他们不可能还记得起。 若他们终于知道 缘分竟然捉弄了自己这么多年, 他们该有多么讶异。 缘分是个顽童。在成长成为矢志不渝的宿命之前, 它忽而把他们拉近,忽而把他们推远, 它憋着笑,为他们设下路障, 自己却闪到一边。 但总有些极细小的征兆, 只是他们尚读不出其中的隐喻:某一天 一片落叶,从他的肩飘上了她的肩, 也许就在上个周二,也许早在三年之前; 或是无意中拾到了某件旧物——遗失了太久, 消失于童年灌木丛中的那只皮球。 或是他转过她转过的门把,按过她按过的门铃, 或是他的刚刚通过安检的皮箱正紧紧挨着她的, 或是相同的夜晚里相同的梦 冲淡了,被相同的黎明。 毕竟,每一个开篇 都只是前后文档中的一环; 那写满故事的书本, 其实早已读过了一半。 AtFirst Sight byWislawa Szymborska They'reboth convinced thata sudden passion joined them. Suchcertainty is beautiful, butuncertainty is more beautiful still Sincethey'd never met before, they're sure thatthere'd been nothing between them. Butwhat's the word from the streets, staircases, hallways— perhapsthey've passed each other a million times? Iwant to ask them ifthey don't remember— amoment face to face insome revolving door? perhapsa "sorry" muttered in a crowd? acurt "wrong number" caught in the receiver? butI know the answer. No,they don't remember They'dbe amazed to hear thatChance has been toying with them nowfor years. Notquite ready yet tobecome their Destiny, itpushed them close, drove them apart, itbarred their path, stiflinga laugh, andthen leaped aside. Therewere signs and signals, evenif they couldn't read them yet. Perhapsthree years ago orjust last Tuesday acertain leaf fluttered fromone shoulder to another? Somethingwas dropped and then picked up. Whoknows, maybe the ball that vanished intochildhood's thicket? Therewere doorknobs and doorbells whereone touch had covered another beforehand. Suitcaseschecked and standing side by side. Onenight, perhaps, the same dream, grownhazy by morning. Everybeginning isonly a sequel, after all, andthe book of events isalways open halfway through. [简评] 辛波斯卡(1923.07.02—2012.02.01) ,波兰女作家,1996年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。《一见钟情》这首诗里,可以看出这位优秀诗人写作技艺的不凡,揭示了表面上的一见钟情,很可能有“另有一种迟缓的爱,或许更美:/暗暗的渴慕,淡淡的纠葛,若即若离,朦胧不明。”而诗人的想象力正是在他人结束的地方开始,一见钟情未必是真的一见钟情,早有“擦肩而过的一百万个瞬间”为之铺垫。诗人的笔触幽默轻松,似轻而易举地触及了人性真相,更显技艺非凡。 (来源:诗歌朗诵微信公众号sgls01)