心情单曲(Sinead O'connor - A Perfect Indian)

心情单曲(Sinead O'connor - A Perfect Indian)

2015-05-22    06'27''

主播: 想旅行的拖鞋

4857 125

Sinead O‘Connor —— 曾经 Nothing Compares To You      前面说到Annie Lennox和Bryan Ferry之“怪”,而 Sinead O‘Connor的“怪”又是另一种。   在视觉之“怪”上,她不走华丽路线,干脆剃了个光头,却有着异样的美丽。   在歌路之“怪”上,她不走主流路线,Prince的Nothing Compares 2 U被她用不一般的发声和情感唱出了震撼。   在处世之“怪”上,她不走大众路线,不但不愿流俗,而且还当众烧毁教皇照片,掀起了轩然大波,几近自毁前程。   她是惊世骇俗叛逆之“怪”,也是那时年少的我所推崇的个性歌手,“Nothing Compares To You”完全可以形容当时我对她的感受。 Sinead O‘Connor 的改变大家都知道。这么多年过去了,她业已结婚生子,重塑形象,不再叛逆。      在2000年,她说道:   I know that I have done many things to give you reason not to listen to me.      在2003年,她说道:   I also mean that (with love) I want to be like any other person in the street and not have people say there is Sinead O‘Connor. As I am a very shy person, believe it or not. So I ask with love, that I be left in peace and privacy by people who love my records too. And I hope it doesnt sound rude. It aint meant rude. I am glad that ye are helped by my songs. So help me too, by giving me what is best for me, a private life.   ......   Love, peace, and don‘t 4get to pray y‘all.      她回归社会了,她渴望平静的不被打扰的生活,也许,这对她而言是最好的结局,她终于回归生活、回归社会、回归主流了,祝愿她幸福。      但,对我而言,仍会怀念过去那个叛逆的Sinead O‘Connor。      她的2003专集《She Who Dwells》,一个母性的Sinead O‘Connor: