All About Bugs

All About Bugs

2020-12-26    03'32''

主播: 跟蕊蕊听故事

7240 48

All About Bugs This is a beetle. A beetle is a bug. Bugs have six legs. This is an ant. Ants crawl on the ground. A little ant can carry a very big load. This is a grasshopper. A grasshopper had very strong legs. It can walk and hop. This is a ladybug. It has red wings with black spots. It can crawl on a flower. Then it can fly away! This is a firefly. It has wings. Fireflies glow in the dark. They blink on and off as they fly. This is a walking stick. This bug is hard to see. It looks like a stick that can walk. Where can you see bugs? Look up and down. Look for bugs that crawl or hop or fly!
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