18 The honeymoon was taking place...
2018-06-09 0评论
19 While the British colonel...
2018-06-09 0评论
17 And Billy travelled in time...
2018-06-09 0评论
16 Now the head Englishman...
2018-06-09 0评论
15 Billy Pilgrim was on fire...
2018-06-09 0评论
14 As the Americans were waiting...
2018-06-09 0评论
12 Listen--on the tenth night...
2018-06-09 0评论
11 Billy Pilgrim could not sleep...
2018-06-09 0评论
08 The Germans and the dog...
2018-06-09 0评论
13 Billy Pilgrim says that...
2018-06-09 0评论