雅思口语P3 Do Chinese people often wait in line
2021-03-16 0评论
雅思口语P2 Describe a time you have to queue up for a long time
2021-03-15 0评论
雅思口语P1 What do people like to do with their computers at home(新)
2021-03-14 0评论
2021-03-13 0评论
雅思口语P1 Do you like getting up early
2021-03-13 0评论
雅思口语P1 Do you wear unusual clothes and why(新)
2021-03-12 0评论
雅思口语P3 At what age should children start learning a foreign language(新)
2021-03-11 0评论
雅思口语P2 Describe a time when you first talked in a foreign language(新)
2021-03-10 0评论
雅思口语P1 Do people like to go to the zoo in your country and why(新)
2021-03-09 0评论
雅思口语P1 How do you usually spend your holidays today
2021-03-07 0评论