雅思口语P3 How will cities change in the future?(规模大/机会多/人多)
2019-07-11 0评论
雅思口语P3 Is it better to own your own home or to rent?
2019-07-11 0评论
雅思口语P2 Describe someone you know who dresses well(自信建立/生活态度/
2019-07-11 0评论
雅思口语P3 Do you think marriage is still as important as ever?(离婚/结婚/
2019-07-11 0评论
雅思口语P1 Do you prefer to hang out with friends or family?(New)
2019-07-11 0评论
雅思口语P3 Is it important to keep in contact with friends when in a relationship?
2019-07-10 0评论
雅思口语P2 Describe a time in education that you enjoyed(大学/学术/友情/
2019-07-10 0评论
雅思口语P3 Why do some people decide to set up their business?(成就感/命运)
2019-07-10 0评论
雅思口语P3 Is it possible to look good without spending money on clothes?(品质/讲
2019-07-10 0评论
雅思口语P3 Whose advice is more helpful? Parents` or friends`?(New)
2019-07-10 0评论