雅思口语P3 What can individuals do to protect our environment?(交通:循环袋:二手
2019-06-10 0评论
雅思口语P2 Describe an interesting tradition in your country(榨菜月饼:过节
2019-06-10 0评论
雅思口语P3 Why should children learn about traditions?(体验生活:融入大众)
2019-06-09 0评论
雅思口语P2 Describe a leader you admire(品质:为人:执着)
2019-06-09 0评论
雅思口语P3 Why is it important to protect traditions?(文化:国家:年轻人)
2019-06-09 0评论
雅思口语P3 Should parents set goals for children?(学习没的说:琐事别管我)
2019-06-09 0评论
雅思口语P3 What kinds of people can be leaders in your future?(不甘寂寞:执着)
2019-06-09 0评论
雅思口语P2 Describe a short trip you did not enjoy(制造噪音:不守规矩:旅游团
2019-06-08 0评论
雅思口语P3 Do Chinese people like to travel abroad?(个人成长:汲取营养:独立)
2019-06-08 0评论
雅思口语P3 Why do girls like shopping?(与生俱来:天赋:放空:习惯)
2019-06-08 0评论