L99-100 课文
2019-05-19 0评论
L97-98 课文
2019-05-19 0评论
7阶第84天 maybe, compensate, Do you think maybe..
2019-05-16 1评论
7阶第83天 belong to sb., would, I told you I would find it
2019-05-15 1评论
7阶第82天 lord, castle, So, that must be..
2019-05-14 1评论
7阶第81天 pence, although, Although she lives..
2019-05-13 1评论
7阶第80天 marry, princess, All you have to do ..
2019-05-12 1评论
泛听7阶第16周 Bunny Boy
2019-05-12 0评论
7阶第79天 address,belong,wrong
2019-05-09 1评论
7阶第78天 label, handle, I know the..
2019-05-08 1评论