P3 can closing tell and review a persons personality
2024-07-15 0评论
P3 why do Chinese children learn English?
2024-07-15 0评论
P2 describe a person who won a competition
2024-07-15 0评论
P2 describe a role model you admire
2024-07-15 0评论
P1 home accommodation
2024-07-15 0评论
P1 hometown
2024-07-15 0评论
P3 怀旧情感收集古董用纸质地图
2024-07-14 0评论
P2 describe a movie that you feel strongly about
2024-07-14 0评论
P2 describe a film character, played the actor or actress who you admire
2024-07-14 0评论
P1 the city you live in
2024-07-14 0评论