I'm a texter now. (是否纠结于各通讯方式恍然发现我们在渐行渐远?)
2017-03-29 2评论
I can't watch him die! (还有一个兄弟不顾一起地拯救你吗?)
2017-03-28 1评论
You're got a friend in me. (爱情中是否还有友谊?)
2017-03-27 1评论
The scorpion 要问毒物谁为最?(最美动物诗集13)
2017-03-26 0评论
I'm having a situation with my cigarette account. 我的香烟客户出了点状况!
2017-03-24 0评论
China is developing a new silk. 中国开发新丝绸!(周四话题:新技术)
2017-03-23 1评论
We've all been there. 我们都经历过!(美国快餐业新趋势!!)
2017-03-22 0评论
I have my own life. ( 想起兄妹间儿时的无谓争执是否温馨的岁月
2017-03-21 2评论
Excellent butt, great rack 前凸后翘?!(放之四海而皆准?)
2017-03-19 0评论
It touches down. 低空之王莅降!(最美动物诗集13)
2017-03-19 1评论