【旅行英语】去酒吧 ·D540: I prefer this one, Irish whisky.
2018-03-01 0评论
【旅行英语】去酒吧 ·D539: Can I suggest a vodka to you?
2018-02-28 0评论
【旅行英语】去酒吧 ·D538: I’d like to go to barhopping.
2018-02-27 0评论
【旅行英语】看电影 ·D537: The storyline and acting were excellent.
2018-02-26 0评论
【旅行英语】看电影 ·D536: The result is out of our thinking.
2018-02-25 0评论
【旅行英语】看电影 ·D535: Who is the director?
2018-02-24 0评论
【旅行英语】看电影 ·D534: I don’t feel like seeing a horror film.
2018-02-23 0评论
【旅行英语】看电影 ·D533: How about going to a movie?
2018-02-22 0评论
【旅行英语】欣赏音乐戏剧 ·D532: Drama is very popular with
2018-02-21 0评论
【旅行英语】欣赏音乐戏剧 ·D531: What’s the most popular comedy
2018-02-20 0评论