p44 Bat, Bat, Come under my Hat- My Very First Mother Goose
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p40 Dickory, Dickory, Dare- My Very First Mother Goose
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Maisy Goes Camping
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Where is Thumbkin- 《Phonics Kids蒲公英 英语拼读王》5B
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Biscuit's Big Friend
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Hush, My Baby- 《Phonics Kids蒲公英 英语拼读王》5B
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p38 Dickory, Dickory, Dock- My Very First Mother Goose
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p37 Smiling Girls Rosy Boys- My Very First Mother Goose
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p34 Hey, Diddle, Diddle- My Very First Mother Goose
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p31 Father and Mother and Uncle John- My Very First Mother Goose
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