L14 Is/Are there any?
2023-04-02 0评论
U5-5 b/h/r/u
2023-04-02 0评论
U6-3 Turn around
2023-04-01 0评论
2023-04-01 0评论
L13 a bit/put on/how many
2023-03-26 0评论
U5-4 kitten/puppy
2023-03-26 0评论
U6-2 I was at the gym.
2023-03-25 0评论
L13 There is/are
2023-03-19 0评论
U5-3 The boy has a very fat dog.
2023-03-18 0评论
U6-1 I can play tennis.
2023-03-18 0评论