试听课 This is my friend.
2024-09-23 0评论
No.3 My dairy.
2024-09-21 0评论
No.3 How many boats are there?
2024-09-21 0评论
No.3 See the squid swim.
2024-09-21 0评论
No.2 We didn't play tennis.
2024-09-14 0评论
No.2 What's this?
2024-09-14 0评论
No.2 This is my favorite hat.
2024-09-13 0评论
No.1 be made of
2024-09-08 0评论
No.1 What are you wearing?
2024-09-06 0评论
2024秋No.1 What time is it?
2024-09-05 0评论