跟读训练34(Please make yourself at home.)
2019-08-22 0评论
英语口语表达12(turn over a new leaf)
2019-08-20 0评论
2019-08-18 0评论
跟读训练33(Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.)
2019-08-18 0评论
英语口语表达11(What took you so long?)
2019-08-16 0评论
跟读训练32(Could you drop me off at the train station?)
2019-08-15 0评论
2019-08-15 3评论
跟读训练31( Excuse me, could you take a photo for us?)
2019-08-13 0评论
跟读训练30( It's just a matter of time.)
2019-08-13 0评论
跟读训练29( It really comes in handy.)
2019-08-13 0评论