입트영 E27:Career 커리어 职业生涯
2020-11-01 0评论
입트영 E26:Getting Lost 길을 잃어버린 경험 迷路的经历
2020-11-01 0评论
입트영 E25:Being Overweight 과체중
2020-11-01 0评论
입트영 E24:Problems with Bank Accounts and Cards 은행 계좌 및 카드 관련 문제
2020-11-01 0评论
입트영 E19:Pharmacy 약국 药店
2020-11-01 0评论
입트영 E23:Photographs from the Past 과거 사진 老照片
2020-11-01 0评论
입트영 E22:Rice 쌀밥 米饭
2020-11-01 0评论
입트영 E21:Airlines 항공사 航空公司
2020-11-01 0评论
입트영 E20:Stomach Problems 복통 腹痛
2020-11-01 0评论
힐링 낭독 E08:The Durable Satisfactions of Life (3)对生活的持久满足
2020-10-30 0评论