【英语童谣】《Lucy Locket Lost Her Pocket》(L/F/R的发音练习)
2015-11-09 0评论
【陈分实验入学1班主播Tiger】《A wig for pig》
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【英文歌曲】《Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar》【SUSIA TALLMAN版本】
2015-11-09 0评论
【英文歌曲】课本第27页《Who Stole The Cookies From The Cookie Jar》儿童版
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【英文绘本】《The Very Hungry Caterpilla》r
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【陈分实验入学1班主播Milly】《Bob Bug》Oxford Reading Tree
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【陈分实验入学1班主播Tiger】《Dan and Cam》
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【磨耳朵之英文绘本】《Shoo Fly》
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