《鹅妈妈》第二章 Diddle, diddle, dumpling
2016-04-01 0评论
无厘头但押韵并令孩子喜欢的Ape in A Cape An Alphabet of Odd Animals
2016-04-01 1评论
Ape In Cape 朗读版
2016-04-01 0评论
《鹅妈妈》第二章 I had a little dolly dressed in green
2016-04-01 0评论
《鹅妈妈》第二章 I had a sausage
2016-04-01 0评论
《鹅妈妈》第二章 Early in the morning at eight o'clock
2016-04-01 0评论
《鹅妈妈》第二章 Pease porridge hot
2016-04-01 0评论
《鹅妈妈》第二章 Baa, baa, black sheep
2016-04-01 0评论
《鹅妈妈》第二章 Mademoiselle she went to the well
2016-04-01 0评论
廖彩杏老师推荐绘本之:I'm a seed
2016-03-26 3评论