L12 LR1:Giraffe's neck
2022-03-06 0评论
L12 Compare T:The rain forest
2022-03-06 0评论
L12Anchor T:How leopard got his spots
2022-03-06 0评论
L12 VR:Spots
2022-03-06 0评论
L12-words to know
2022-03-06 0评论
L11 LR2:Life in the Coral Reefs
2022-03-06 0评论
L11 LR1:In the sea
2022-03-06 0评论
L11 Compare Text: Water
2022-03-06 0评论
L11 Anchor Text:At home in the ocean
2022-03-06 0评论
L11 VR:Shark
2022-03-06 0评论