许乃夫老师-阿甘计划Day 5  4.18

许乃夫老师-阿甘计划Day 5 4.18

2017-04-21    04'35''

主播: Crystal_瑞

48 2

"每天叫醒你的不是闹铃,而是许乃夫老师的阿甘计划" #许乃夫老师-阿甘计划#【Day 5 4.18】 Low-Fiber Diets Cause Waves of Extinction in the Gut Indeed, when Sonnenburg and Smits bred the mice from their first experiment, they saw that low-fiber parents gave birth to pups with narrower microbes, which lacked species present in the progeny of high-fiber parent. Thank U for Listening. See U next time. BGM:All By Myself―Jamie O'Neal