

2022-07-11    07'32''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】Hey, look, I know you were reluctant to get that massage, but I think we can both agree it had a happy ending. 【ModernFamilyS3E08】 【发音】/heɪ/ /lʊk/ /aɪ/ /nəʊ/ /juː/ /wɜː(r)/ /rɪˈlʌk.tənt/ /tʊ/ /get/ /ðæt/ /ˈmæs.ɑːdʒ/ /məˈsɑːdʒ/ /bʌt/ /aɪ/ /θɪŋk/ /wiː/ /kæn/ /bəʊθ/ /əˈgriː/ /ɪt/ /hæd/ /ə/ /ˈhæp.i/ /ˈen.dɪŋ/ 【发音技巧】reluctant to失去爆破;get that不完全爆破;that massage不完全爆破;but I连读+闪音;both agree连读;it had a不完全爆破+连读; 【翻译】嘿,我知道你之前不太愿意做按摩,但我觉得现在应该咱们都觉得,这事儿有个皆大欢喜的结局了。 【适用场合】 今天我们学习的表达,叫做happy ending,什么意思呢? 大家不知道最近刷微博的时候,有没有看到大家追剧的时候,总在问是HE还是BE,我当时都看懵了,不知道是什么意思。 后来才知道HE指的是happy ending,大团圆的结局。 BE指的是bad ending,就是悲剧结尾; 那今天我们就来讲解一下什么叫做happy ending; the ending of a story or series of events in which the people involved are happy or all problems are solved 其实就是指“一个高兴的、快乐的结局,所有人都有好结果的结局”; eg: The story has a happy ending. 这个故事有一个圆满的结尾。 eg: This scandalous story might have a happy ending after all. 这个让人反感的事情可能最后还有一个大圆满的结局呢。 eg: Unfortunately, there was no happy ending for this pair. 很不幸,这一对,并没有一个幸福美满的结局。 eg: I used to hate films with happy endings. 我以前挺讨厌那种大团圆结局的电影的。 eg: I like romantic stories and I like books to have happy endings. 我喜欢浪漫的故事和有圆满结局的书。 eg: Children usually prefer books with a happy ending. 孩子们一般都喜欢有圆满结局的书。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Yes, the pilot had to abort the takeoff but the bottom line is, this is a happy ending—nobody was hurt.