

2023-03-02    04'48''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

232 2

【句子】He went berserk and attacked a man in court. 【Desperate Housewives S02E04】 【发音】/hiː/ /went/ /bə(r)ˈzɜː(r)k/ /ənd/ /əˈtækt/ /ə/ /mæn/ /ɪn/ /kɔː(r)t/ 【发音技巧】went berserk失去爆破;and attacked a两处连读; 【翻译】他在法庭上大发脾气还打人。 【适用场合】 今天我们学习一下这个短语,go berserk, to go crazy, especially in anger 发疯、发狂、暴怒; The phrase, and the word "berserk" itself, is related to a group of Norse warriors called "berserkers," who were known for being violently frenzied in battle. 这个短语,以及其中的单词berserk都和berserkers有关。 berserkers指的是一群北欧传说中的狂暴战士,以在战斗中表现凶狠残暴而出名。 eg: Mom will go berserk if she catches you sneaking out after curfew again. 如果妈妈再次抓到你宵禁以后还溜出去,她肯定会发飚的。 eg: She went berserk and smashed her vase. 她发了狂,砸碎了她的花瓶。 eg: When they announced the player's score, her coach went berserk. 当这位选手的分数被公布,她的教练气得发狂。 eg: My mother will go berserk (= be extremely angry) when she finds out I've ruined her favourite dress. 如果我妈妈发现我毁了她最爱的连衣裙,她肯定会大发雷霆的。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 He went berserk when he found out where I'd been.