【摩登家庭】 “他们去年订婚了,但是我不确定他们还会不会结婚。”

【摩登家庭】 “他们去年订婚了,但是我不确定他们还会不会结婚。”

2023-09-25    05'52''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

315 2

【句子】I can’t go through with it. 【ModernFamilyS3E15】 【发音】/aɪ/ /kɑːnt/ /kænt/ /gəʊ/ /θruː/ /wɪð/ /ɪt/ 【发音技巧】can’t go失去爆破;with it连读; 【翻译】我绝对不能那样做。 【适用场合】 今天我们来学习这个短语,go through,实话说这个短语在口语中的意思太多了。不同语境不同意思,在今天视频中是什么意思呢? 一起来看一下对应的英文解释: to do something that one had planned or promised, in spite of difficulties, hesitations, or a concerning outcome “去做某个人之前计划好、承诺过的事情,尽管有困难/尽管可能会犹豫/尽管有可能结果不理想”; 当这个用法的时候,一般后面经常会加with sth. eg: Are you sure you want to go through with this? If the investment doesn't pan out, you could lose everything. 你确定你还要这么做吗?如果这次投资不成功的话,你可能什么都没了。 eg: She still went through with her decision to start her own business, even though it meant sacrificing her lucrative career. 她还是下定决心要自己创业,尽管那意味着放弃自己收入颇丰的职业。 eg: They got engaged last year, but I'm not sure they'll go through with the wedding. 他们去年订婚了,但是我不确定他们还会不会办婚礼。 eg: We intended to eat the rabbit once it got big enough, but after the children gave it a name, we just couldn't go through with it. 我们原本计划等那只兔子长得足够大,就吃掉它。但是在孩子们给它起了一个名字以后,我们就没办法这么做了。 eg: I decided not to go through with the surgery after I discovered how dangerous it was. 在我发现那个手术很危险以后,我决定不做了。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I can't believe he went through with the divorce.