

2024-06-17    06'52''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】Yeah, I made a mistake today, but only because the three of you ganged up on me... 【Modern Family S3E17】 【发音】/jeə//aɪ/ /meɪd/ /ə/ /mɪˈsteɪk/ /təˈdeɪ//bʌt/ /ˈəʊn.li/ /bɪˈkɒz/ /bɪˈkɑːz/ /ðə/ /θriː/ /əv/ /ju:/ /gæŋd/ /ʌp/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /mi:/ 【发音技巧】made a连读;mistake today失去爆破;but only连读+闪音;three of连读;ganged up on两处连读; 【翻译】是的,今天我错了,但那也是因为你们三个联合起来对付我…… 【适用场合】 今天我们重点来学习,gang up这个短语的用法,这个短语后面可以加上on/against sb.; 这个短语可以理解成:to unite as a group against someone,“联合起来对付/对抗某个人”; eg: They all ganged up to try and get him to change his decision. 他们都联合起来,想让他改变决定。 eg: The whole class ganged up against/on her because she was the teacher's pet. 整个班级的人都联合起来对付她,因为她曾经是老师面前的红人。 eg: Harrison complained that his colleagues ganged up on him. 哈里森抱怨说他的同事们联合起来孤立他。 eg: All the other parties ganged up to keep them out of power. 另外那些党派都联合起来阻止他们掌权。 eg: The kids ganged up on me and convinced me to get pizza for dinner. 那些孩子们合起伙来,说服我晚上买披萨吃。 eg: All the girls in my class seemed to gang up against me. 我们班里的所有女孩似乎都合起伙来对付我。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 A bunch of the bigger kids ganged up on me after school and stole my money.