

2018-11-26    03'27''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

5319 33

【句子】Obviously, I can’t let her get away with this. The only thing to do is go to the police and tell them what happened. 【Desperate Housewives S1E4】 【发音】[' ɒbvɪəsli] [aɪ] [kænt] [let] [hɜ:(r)] [get] [ə'weɪ] [wɪð] [ðɪs] [ði:] ['əʊnli] [θɪŋ] [tʊ] [du:] [ɪz] [gəʊ] [tʊ] [ðə] [pə'liːs] [ænd] [tel] [ðəm] [wɒt] ['hæpənd] 【发音技巧】obviously不完全失去爆破;let her击穿爆破;get away连读;the的读音; 【翻译】显然我不能让她钻这个空子,唯一能做的就是去警察局说明情况。 【适用场合】 get away with sth. 做了不好的事情,还没有被惩罚/被批评或者惩罚很轻 to manage to do something bad without being punished or criticized for it: eg: He was lucky to get away with only a fine. 他真走运,只是被罚了款。 eg: They have broken the law and gotten away with it. 他们触犯了法律,却没有得到应有的处罚。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it.