

2020-02-13    05'04''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

4953 27

【句子】You let those boys run wild. 【Desperate Housewives S1E14】 【发音】[ju:] [let] [ðəʊz] [bɔɪz] [rʌn] [waɪld] 【发音技巧】let those不完全失去爆破; 【翻译】你放任你家这群男孩子四处撒野。 【适用场合】 run wild 1. 不受节制地疯长;让……自由发展不受控制; to grow or develop freely without any control: eg: The ivy has run wild. 那常春藤已经开始疯长了。 eg: Let your imagination run wild and be creative. 充分释放你的想象力,发挥你的创造力。 2. If children or animals run wild, they behave as they like because nobody is controlling them:描述孩子(动物)做事情随心所欲,因为没人管 或者,也可以理解成 to be or become crazy or chaotic 撒野发疯 eg: Molly has let the girl run wild. Molly放任那个女孩不管,让她玩疯了。 eg: We tried to have some organized games for the kids, but they all started running wild as soon as they got here. 我们曾尽力准备了一些有秩序的游戏给孩子们玩,但是,他们一到这,就都玩疯了。 eg: Their parents believed in letting the children run wild when they were young and it doesn’t seem to have done them any harm. 他们的父母认为,小的时候应该保护孩子们的天性,现在看起来,这样的做法,对他们没有什么害处。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I just let the roses run wild in this part of the garden.